Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Module 4: Thirteen Reasons Why By: Jay Asher


Clay Jensen is surprised when one day he receives a mysterious package addressed to him from his crush and classmate Hannah. The only problem is that Hannah is dead she committed suicide about a week ago and Clay never really spoke with her why would she be sending him something from beyond the grave. When Clay opens the box he notices a series of cassette tapes. As he pops one in and begins to listen he quickly learns what these tapes are and why he has been singled out. Join Clay on his journey to learn the truth about Hannah's suicide and how peoples actions made a difference in her life.


 Asher, J. (2007). Th1rteen r3asons why: A novel. New York: Razorbill.


Thirteen Reasons Why begins after the death of the protagonist or main character. This story is basically a narrative about Hannah's life with some interjections from Clay telling about his feelings and the places that he is visiting while listening to the tapes. While the story can seem very morbid it is a very engaging story when I begin reading it I had a hard time putting it down I just had to know what happened to Hannah to cause her to commit such an act. As the story progressed on it  seemed like layer after layer of Hannah's carefully  place façade was being peeled away to reveal the true vulnerable her. This story teaches about consequences and how you should be careful how you treat each other. Thirteen Reason's Why is a great novel for high school age students.

Professional Review

Children's Book Review: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Author . Penguin/Razorbill $16.99 (288p) ISBN 978-1-59514-171-2. (n.d.). Retrieved August 11, 2015.

Library Uses

I would use this book to have open conversation about bullying, suicide and the consequence of your actions. As a class we could develop an anti bullying policy and talk about how to help someone when they are being bullied instead of just being an observer.

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